You may be able to easily find carving 2-dimensional or even already have some of its products as components of home decor. But did you know that Jepara, a small district in Central Java, is a haven of 3-dimensional relief carving, carving a unique work as carved with no connection between the parts and each part tells of a unique part of the story.
Jepara carving reliefs telling about the various aspects of daily activities or culture in Jepara. The work looks unique and different carvings since carved quilted detailed recall of a story. A 3-dimensional relief engraver can be compared like a child trying to shed and documenting the imagination of a life story on a piece of teak wood.
This 3-dimensional relief carving using the main raw material for wood teak jatilah who has the right characteristics for the manufacture of this artwork. Teak wood is generally harvested from plantation teak wood and not from natural forests.
The process of making three-dimensional relief carving is very complicated and if only done by an engraver it will take about one year to complete the relief carvings measuring 2.5 m2. Complexity of manufacture and the use of teak wood as raw material makes this product into capital-intensive but it takes a long time to benefit. Senenan is the center of a 3-dimensional relief carving craft in Jepara with 180 small-scale entrepreneurs.
In addition to three-dimensional relief carving, Jepara also have other centers as centers carving statue carved in Mulyoharjo. Furniture Value Chain Project (Furniture Value Chain (FVC)) conducted by CIFOR support artisans carved furniture and small scale through research action research (action research), supports fast superior teak planting crops, capacity building craftsmen and related parties, formation associations and build networks.

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