Although this craft we've rarely encountered in Jakarta, this craft we can still meet in Java, especially Grobogan region, Central Java.
Jakarta, Aktual.co - Middle East is a country that is famous for its tapestry, but Indonesia does not want to lose competitiveness in the country. Indonesia also has a craft that has the same function with tapestries, namely mats.
Mats not only serves as a base to sit alone, but also has a touch of ethnic and presenting traditional feel. Unfortunately mats now we rarely see. This is because society has many uses tapestry.
Although this craft we've rarely encountered in Jakarta, this craft we can still meet in Java, especially Grobogan region, Central Java.
Mats are not only growing in Central Java, but also in West Java, Bali and others. Not only that, Borneo also one of the areas that preserve the craft mat, but the name is different but not mats mats mats.
Because the raw material is very natural mat mat makes it unique. Mats mats will feel cool if used at the time of heat and vice versa feel warm when in cold weather.
Mats and mats are crafts that have a very high cultural value that should be preserved tetep existence because in addition to the hallmark of this nation mat has a fairly affordable price compared with
This mat merupakn sutau handicraft village, the manufacturing process requires patience and time cukup.tikar is made from natural ingredients that commonly grows on the edge of the river in the countryside, in the call mats natural since the raw material is made from natural ingredients that are named "Mendong" or pandanus plant species with a particular type.
This mat is very suitable to use for bedding in a way place on a spring bed or mattress, used to sitting on the floor, to lie down or sit with the family at the beach, in the title in the park while looking at the beautiful scenery, in the title in the family room, to eat together family or purposes other forum.
Pros: mat made of natural materials that do not cause harmful effects to the skin and health, evident in rural communities who have immune and skin good because when there is a bed of air circulation from the sidelines (the pores of the mat, so that sweat can out and seep through the cracks mat, can imagine how long we sleep and when we are sleeping mats were hot with no air circulation and sweat glued back on our skin, can be entered again sweat through the pores of our skin and the incident continuous and thus can be expected to cause disease for us
They are soo beautiful 😍 wanting to buy or order thanks