Djambu, in this village we can find craftsmen horse or horse carved from wood, one of the prancing horse statue and ukiranya similar size as the original, Jambu village located in the northern capital of the district of Jepara.
Djambu is one of the villages in the district Mlonggo, from Jepara Regency Hall is approximately 10 kilometers, this area can be reached easily and can be reached by car for 30 minutes.
Horse Statue Djambu is one product characteristic Jepara furniture are much in demand by today's furniture lovers, for tourists who are visiting Jepara will see the beauty of this horse statue, as well as various other sculpture carving, Horse Statue is a product manufactured furniture use of teak and tamarind quality, carved by craftsmen carved already skilled and experienced in the manufacture of statues carved wooden horse that the image is very elegant and charming.
This effort began to develop in Djambu around 1985, handicraft making wooden horse is a hereditary expertise as a major effort, and children in the village who are interested Jambu horse sculpture can directly learn from you or other family, it usually begins when they've graduated from high school or high school, almost all pengukirnya here specialist manufacture wooden horse statue, Mr. Muhammad Arif bright as the village hall Djambu.
This horse statue price is quite affordable as prices in Jepara determined by standard price Jepara furniture, and also directly carried out by a wood carving itself, according to the size of the size of the height 45 cm, width 10 cm, length 18 cm price of £ 120,000 to £ 220,000 and for the large size and the use of dried tamarind wood raw material quality measure 2 meters high with a price £ 1,500,000 to £ 2,500,000, the Statue of small-sized wooden horse usually as a souvenir or a souvenir.
Carving sculpture with wood raw material through a neat finish from the start to the selection of quality wood, engraving, carving and coloring, the wood raw material ordering and coloring can also be adjusted to the desired, Jepara carving and sculpture no doubt, a touch of art high makes Jepara famous all over the world, which makes this horse statue craft marketing reach export abroad.
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